On the savior of the age of Holy Spirit, our Heavenly Mother and Christ Ahnsahnghong, let us get confrimation biblically.
But one thing I am concerned is what if people do misunderstand that they could see the name of 'Jesus' in the Old Testament. If there had been a word that we should pray in the name of Jesus in the Old Testament, the Jews would have also prayed in the name of Jesus, not Jehovah. But those days of Jesus' 1st coming, the Jews insisted they should pray only in the name of Jehovah.
It is true that there are a lot of prophecy about Jesus in the Old Testament, but the name of "Jesus" was not written in it.
Besides, when Jesus was on earth in his flesh, He told the disciples to pray as below.
Mt 6:9
This, then, is how you should pray: " 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
But once Jesus came fulfilling prophecy of the Bible, they crucified Jesus just because they cannot find the word, "Jesus", in the Bible. We are aware how harshly they persecute the disciples.
Nowadays, if some people insist Christ Ahnsahnghong is not of the Bible and persecute us just because the Bible does not mention the name of "AhnSahngHong", it will be very ignorant statement.
Church of God World Mission Society proclaims Heavenly Mother and Christ AhnSahngHong are the saviors in this age. When we study the prophesy of the Bible, it is obvious that Christ AhnSahngHong should come and re-establish the Passover, which is abolished in AD 325 by Roman Emperor Constantine. And, now, in accordance with God's commandment Church of God World Mission Society is delivering God's true love to all over the world.
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