So.. as you saw in my last post, Christ must first come for a second time on the clouds to bring salvation! then will Jesus Christ literally come riding on a cloud of the sky? lets check it out.
Mathew 24:30-At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
Ok, think about this verse seriously!! will Jesus really come like this? think about this event. It is very powerful and glorious, therefore no one will miss it. Everyone will see it. But then if this really happens, wouldnt everyone(buddist, hindu,athiest,etc) believe in him and gather automatically? then what about the elect? No elect? but jesus said there will be an elect.!! And if everyone believes, what about the prophecy about judging and destroying all those who do not believe? Then Jesus doesnt need to punish anyone...... Jesus prophecy would then make no sense as you can see. it just doesnt make any sense.... what does it mean to come on the clouds? lets see
Daniel 7:13-"In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is
then who is this talking about? Daniel saw a vision of one coming with the clouds of the sky. The one coming with the clouds of the sky was given authority, glory and sovereign power (kingdom). then who is this coming with the clouds of the sky? he must be given authoriy, glory and sovereing power.
Mathew 28:18-18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
John 17:10-All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them.
Luke 22:29And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me.
Then cleary we can see that Jesus Christ was given Authority, glory , and a kingdom(sovereign power). Then who was the son of man that Daniel saw in his vision coming ont he clouds of the sky???? It is Jesus!!!!! But did he really come on the clouds of the sky??? no way!! he had parents didnt he? he was born in the flesh! we can clearly see that coming on the clouds means coming in the flesh.
Jude 1:12These men are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain
clouds= people(flesh)
please dont have your own conncept about Jesus's second coming. If you continue waiting for him on cloud... Im sorry but you will miss him.... That is the exact same reason why the Jews rejected Jesus when he came. They were expecting the messiah to come on a natural cloud also!! Just like his first coming was prohesied to come in the clouds(flesh), so also is prophesied that he will come on the clouds(flesh) for his second coming. there is more testimony about Christ coming in the flesh, but with this two verses it should already be very clear and obvious that The Second Coming Christ will come in the flesh and not on a natural cloud. Christ Ahnsahnghong is the second coming Christ that appeared in the flesh as prophesied to give us salvation. Christ Ahnsahnghong is the second coming Jesus.! Christ Ahnsahnghong didnt fail to fulfill prophesy. Christ Ahnsahnghong indeed came on the clouds of the sky!
HOW??? IN THE FLESH!!!!!!!!!
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