Monday, March 3, 2008

Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem are True Love.

Father and Mother are the Most Holy. They give us Their everlasting love.

Though we are sinners bound to death, They care for us with all Their heart.
How can I ever give thanks to Them? How can I repay Their Love?
Through Their Love and Sacrifice we have received Eternal Life.
Now, death has been swallowed up in victory and the way to heaven has been opened.
Brothers and Sisters, don't forget Father and Mother's Love.
Let us praise Them forevermore.

We have been saved through Father's sacrifice.
we have been saved through Mother's love.
Let us also love one another deeply following Their example.
If we become one in Love, we will fulfill the greatest miracle.
Finding the one hundred forty four thousand let us enter Heaven's Kingdom.
we will all be beautiful angels shining bright with Elohim God.
So let's not delay a moment anymore.
Let us find our last Brother.

Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother New Jerusalem, Truly You are Almighty God!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the day when Father and Mother finds our last brother/sister and we are restored to our spendid heavnly bodY and get to travel the galaxies with our Heavenly Father and Mother :) with silver wings. WOW!

zion said...

amen^^ Elohim bless you!

Anonymous said...

If they are not real parents,they never come to the earth to save us.

Christ Ahnsahnghong & mother Jerusalem are our real parents.
Thanks a lot.. a lot.. a lot..

Anonymous said...

Amen! How beautiful!

God's Will said...

That is a true miracle; 144,000 going up to heaven alive! That is truely a miracle. Through the Seal of God our Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother New Jerusalem we become children of God. Thank You Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother New Jerusalem for giving us your water of life.