Listen to this! This is pretty interesting….my friend attends a Catholic University where she is obliged to take a religion course as an elective to graduate, and the professor is a catholic priest. Well, anyways, she was telling me that on one of her previous classes he was trying to explain something about the fig tree in the gospel of Mathew and Mark. I’ll quote it- Mathew 24:32- Now learn the lesson of the fig tree: as soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near, even so when you all these things, you know that it is near right at the door. Also, Mark 11:12- …… there was no fruit because it was not the season for fruit…. Then he said to the tree (fig tree) “may no one ever eat fruit from you again!”…
Then the professor began to say that through this Jesus wanted to show us that though he is God, he also has a temper like every one of us because He was made in human likeness.
My friend was telling me that she was very confused with what the priest (professor) said because it did not make any sense. “Jesus Christ is God!”, she said,” why would he teach us about his temper if he wants to teach us good example?! She also said “ why would Jesus, who is God, yell at a tree?!” “Why would God be so concerned about figs?”
As she was telling me this, I thought “Wow… it is incredibly absurd how these people that even get Doctor’s degree on theology don’t even know how to explain the bible correctly, yet so many people follow and believe them. Even though these theologians come out with interpretations that don’t even make sense, people never doubt them! What a blind faith!!
In the other hand, though Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong is testified throughout the whole bible, people doubt and blaspheme our Father Ahnsahnghong. Even though Church of God World Mission Society shows the truth through the bible, people refuse to believe and instead point fingers at us saying we are a cult. How absurd!!!
Well, anyways… since she knew I went to church and studied the bible a lot, she asked me to explain to her what was the meaning of this fig tee lesson that Jesus Christ wanted to teach. She was very concerned because Jesus spoke about this fig tree in various verses so she thought it must have some kind of important message. I was so happy when she asked me this because I’ve been trying to let her know the truth but she refused to listen many times telling me that every religion has their own interpretation and that she was all set.
But Thanks to Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem, a way has been opened for me to let her know the good news of salvation and most importantly that God is on the earth giving the free gift of the Water of Life as prophesied!! I’m so happy!!!! God Bless You!
--ohh dont worry... in my next post i'll let you know everything about the Fig Tree Lesson!! NO mere man can reveal this...It is a mystery that only God can reveal! I'm so happy it was made known to me !! Talk to you later...
God Bless you, it is truly amazing to know the correct meaning of the parables in the Bible, all thanks to our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem, who once again established the World Mission Society Church of God. There is Pastors and Priests today that dont even know where the book of Matthew is or who King Solomon is. yet so many people follow them. thank Father and Mother for letting us know the truth
If I didn't know the truth that Christ Ahnsahnghong has brought back then I would still be wandering. How great it is to know True God in these last days. Christ Ahnsahnghong also let us know the greatest mysterty: Our Heavenly Mother God New Jerusalem. How Amazing!
It is sad to see that people don't know the Bible prophecies correctly. I hope everyone can understand the truth about Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother so that they can share in Their truth.
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