Thursday, November 20, 2008

Spreading Mother's love to the whole world- Christ Ahnsahnghong

The work of Church of God World Mission Society is to spread Mother's love to all nation, all peoples. Everything according to the Bible, is God's work and we just help God, our spiritaul parents, Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.

Those who walk the right path of faith will surely undergo a special change. When people begin to believe in God, they think about how they can be saved and go to heaven. As they become confident of their salvation in the truth of the new covenant, they begin to resemble the heart of God who wants all mankind to be saved. If we were only concerned about ourselves in the past, now we need to look at the whole world. God has given us salvation and many other blessings. If we abide in the truth and have faith in Father and Mother, we should care about other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. Today we should be better than we were yesterday. This year we should be better than we were last year. As God's children with mature faith, we need to consider how we can save the world and lead all people to the path of blessing. This is the errand that our heavenly Father and Mother have entrusted to us.

Mother's errand

A famous Korean poet named Cho Byung-Hwa, who passed away several years ago, wrote the following poem on his tombstone before his death:"Mother, I was born into this world to do errands for you. Now I've returned to you after finishing all your errands." This short poem, engraved on his tombstone, leaves a deep impression on our hearts. All the forefathers of faith in the Old Testament, the prophets in the New Testament, and all of us today were born on this earth to do an errand for God.We must not be foolish children who spend all their time amusing themselves and then merely return home after sunset, not remembering why they've come here, completely forgetting that they were born into this world to do an errand. If parents send their children on an errand but they do not come back home until dark, it will only cause their parents to worry. There may be several kinds of people in the world: those who waste all their time watching a lot of shows in the marketplace, those who spend their time performing the errands entrusted to them faithfully, and those who are busy with their own work and do not even think about doing the errands given to them. Time flies like an arrow. The winter of our lives will surely come, and then we must go back to our eternal spiritual home, whether we want to or not. If we were born on this earth to perform an errand of Mother, we should faithfully carry out Her errand, so that we can say at the end, "Mother, we have finished Your errand and have now returned to You." 2,000 years ago, when Apostle Paul looked back upon his life, he was confidently able to say that there was in store for him the crown of righteousness in heaven because he finished all the errands given to him by God (2 Tim 4:1-8). Through the records of the forefathers of faith who faithfully performed God's errands, we need to look back at ourselves to see whether we have been faithfully doing the errand entrusted by Mother.

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